11.26.23: Two Treasures, Two Eyes, Two Masters
11.12.23: The Our Father Prayer
10.22.23: The Radical Representatives of the Father
10.15.23: Meaning What You Say
10.8.23: Lust, Adultery and Divorce, Oh My!
10.1.23: Mad Enough to Murder!
9.24.23: The Canon and The Kingdom
9.10.23: The Jesus Sermon: Welcome To The Kingdom
8.20.23: Rained out
7.23.23: The Marriage Equation
7.16.23: Take Care Against the Current
6.18.23: The Five Types of Church Leaders
6.11.23: Rise to the Challenge
5.28.23: Administration of Mystery
5.14.23: The King’s Motherly Wisdom
4.30.23: Citizens of The Kingdom
4.23.23: Living a Good Testimony
4.9.23: Petitions for Easter People
3.26.23: One New Humanity Pt. 2
3.12.23: The Three Keys To Deal With Grief
3.5.23: An Exceptional Expedition
2.26.23: Destroying The Idols In Our Hearts
2.19.23: Revelation, Realization, Renunciation
2.12.23: Piercing the Ephesian Darkness